How does grooming reduce dog allergies? If a dog has food or inhaled allergies, then clipping can still help but not as much as if it is because of contact allergies. For you see that food allergies can still manifest themselves on the feet of...
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October 12, 2015 Jenny
dog allergy, Exercise
Dog grooming and its relation to your dogs happiness You might expect that a site about dog happiness would be all about human happiness too, but unfortunately what makes you happy does not necessarily make a dog happy. To understand dog happiness we need to...
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June 2, 2015 Jenny
dog allergy, Exercise, Happiness
What do dogs enjoy smelling so much at the dog park? If you observe most dogs closely, you will see that the vast majority enjoy tracking and taking in smells in the park. They are cataloging which dog recently visited and its sex and state...
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May 5, 2015 Jenny
Exercise, Happiness
Dogs and water, the vital connection Provide water for your dog when you both go OUT. Dogs love to drink from puddles or anywhere they can, but this can lead to upset stomachs or disease. You can’t regulate where your dog will drink off lead,...
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April 22, 2015 Jenny
Exercise, Nutrition
Jenny says: Dog-dog or ‘owner-dog’ play, are two very different but important games that all dogs should regularly play. But why do dogs favour playing with their owners over other dogs?
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February 11, 2015 Jenny
Exercise, Happiness
Its all about the dog play bow, sometimes Just as much as knowing which dogs are friendly and wanting to play with your dog, you need to look out for dogs that show body language that they are too anxious to play, or are just...
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February 5, 2015 Jenny
Exercise, Happiness
Why not more affection than discipline? While this inherently sounds cruel, affection is inherently a human thing. When a child is naughty or doing something dangerous do you cuddle it and tell it that it is good? If you praise or give a dog too...
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May 7, 2014 Jenny
Exercise, TOTAL
Discipline for a dog means structure and giving it what it needs, it is not affection or punishment, and is more important than both of those things together. This may seem like the opposite of affection, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Discipline...
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May 7, 2014 Jenny
Exercise, TOTAL
This post follows on from the previous one about the wolf predator modes, but shows you a table of what all dogs will do to some extent. The researcher Coppingers identified seven step sequence used by the wolf when it is in predator mode:
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May 7, 2014 Jenny
Exercise, TOTAL
Dogs are programmed from evolution to enact part of the wolves 7 predator mode sequence. Find out which part your dog specializes in, and make it very happy! I think if you even consider this a little bit you will realise how obvious it is...
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May 7, 2014 Jenny
Exercise, TOTAL
Why does your dog chase balls forever, or like its own company? Perhaps it doesn’t like either of these things, but you need to be the alpha dog and help it. Ball chasing and dogs loving their own company are not social dogs. Reinforcing this...
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May 7, 2014 Jenny
Exercise, TOTAL
As if I Jenny, have to tell you more, but I will. This is a little more of what I know about making your dog happy through walking .. Benefits of social dog walking I can’t state enough the physical, mental and general health benefits...
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May 7, 2014 Jenny
Exercise, TOTAL
This blog post explains why you need to walk your dog every day, off lead. If you don’t, you will get plenty of expensive negative dog behavior issues happening. Take it from Aunty Jenny, apart from real food, your dog exercise is a primary reason...
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May 7, 2014 Jenny
Exercise, TOTAL