Whаt is thе very bеѕt hуроаllеrgеnіс dоg fооd? That is what a lot of rich people wonder and they just pay the most they can… In fасt, thе response to thаt quеѕtіоn іѕ the еxасt rеаѕоn fоr this article. You might think іt іѕ tо...
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December 16, 2017 Jenny
dog allergy, dog treats
Dog reactions to birds, ie Bird Allеrgіеѕ, can bе vеrу fruѕtrаtіng duе tо thе lack оf соntасt with your реt. I have a frіеnd whо оwnѕ a раrrоt thаt ѕhе lоvеѕ dеаrlу аnd саnnоt gеt nеаr hіm without the dog reacting badly to the bird....
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December 2, 2017 Jenny
dog allergy, Happiness
Whаt аrе Mоld dog Allеrgіеѕ? Mоld fоrmѕ ѕроrеѕ whісh thеn bесоmе аіrbоrnе, саuѕіng an allergic rеасtіоn іn bоth humаnѕ and animals whо аrе sensitive tо іt. Mоld is рrеѕеnt еvеrуwhеrе, bоth іndооrѕ аnd out, and easily multiples іn dаmр humid аrеаѕ like basements. Mоld іѕ...
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November 16, 2017 Jenny
dog allergy
If уоur реt dоg suffers frоm a pollen allergy, trеаtmеnt is оnе of the іmроrtаnt considerations you’ll nееd tо kеер іn mіnd. Prореrlу аddrеѕѕіng hіѕ ѕуmрtоmѕ wіll hеlр hіm tо lead a better quality of lіfе. Thіѕ is аlѕо nесеѕѕаrу to help рrеvеnt hіm frоm...
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November 2, 2017 Jenny
dog allergy, dog treats
HUMAN DANDER issues and allergies for dogs, ie what it is and how to overcome it. Dog reactions to dander are one of the most unknown and misunderstood allergies. We recently did a blog about dust and dust mites and they are often more common...
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October 21, 2017 Jenny
dog allergy
Dust mites – what they are, how to overcome them. Dogs can be susceptible to many allergy reactions. The difficulty about dust and house mite allergies is that these are in the house. So even if you don’t walk your dog much, even if you...
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October 10, 2017 Jenny
dog allergy
Given that once a parasite is ruled out (because you keep up your flea and tick monthly treatments) the main cause of dog allergies are environmental. Why you want to use a dog room purifier? Dogs often malt a lot (unless they are a breed...
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December 31, 2016 Jenny
dog allergy
As you will have read from the previous two articles, fish oil omega 3 supplement is vital to a dogs body and its skin allergies as well. Omega 3 is vital for good dog skin health and can solve many itch dog allergies. Flax seed...
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December 22, 2016 Jenny
dog allergy, Happiness
But I already use good commercial dog food with Omega 3 in it. Commercial dog food (pellets and kibble and dry food) all have FLAX seed in them usually as the main source of ‘omega 3’. Below is what flax seed has in it: Flaxseed...
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December 16, 2016 Jenny
dog allergy
This is a recurring theme that ends up on this website about dog allergies but one that most people with the most itchy scratchy dogs ignore. Step one with your dog allergy is work out if its parasite (flea), internal issues, food allergy or environment...
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December 10, 2016 Jenny
dog allergy
Symptoms of dog food allergies The most common symptoms occur as skin irritations such as itching, digging, scratching, and gnawing at the skin, and ear infections. These might seem like minor nuisances but can you imagine if you where plagued by such annoyances every moment...
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December 4, 2016 Jenny
dog allergy
How many dogs have allergies? Allergies affect up to half of all dogs. That is a stat that I had to search the internet for a long time go find. But its very vague and doesn’t mention the severity of the allergy reaction. I suspect...
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November 24, 2016 Jenny
dog allergy
The road is long With many a winding turn That leads us to who knows where. Isn’t that sometimes how we feel when a loved one or our dog is suffering a long term sickness. Unless your dog has a long term illness such as a major dog allergy making it...
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August 28, 2016 Jenny
dog allergy
APOQUEL is not supposed to be used casually and not on severe dog skin allergy issues. But before considering it, its worth knowing how bad some of the bad reactions can be. One of the largest field studies used to assess the “effectiveness and safety...
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August 3, 2016 Jenny
dog allergy
While this blog is about all dog allergy, atopy is a particularly important side effect of many dog allergies that most people need to fix. -A quick recap- Atopy is a syndrome that self fufils into causing a dog to become “hyper-allergic”. A dog with...
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July 25, 2016 Jenny
dog allergy
I have reported on some of the side effects from the miracle drug Cyclosporines used to treat dog atopy .. but there’s much more you need to know .. You can’t take it if you are using any drugs (prescription or over the counter for)...
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July 13, 2016 Jenny
dog allergy
For a long time I assumed that naturo-path kinds of band aid approaches or heavy duty kill the symptoms prescriptions like cortisone were the only path to fixing a dogs allergy. So Ii was surprised to learn about Cyclosporines Cyclosporines an effective long term treatment...
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July 7, 2016 Jenny
dog allergy
Let me make it clear, most dogs don’t need hypoallergenic dog food. And the reason is that most dogs have not been properly diagnosed for having a dog food allergy. If you buy hypoallergenic dog food without knowing if your dog is allergic to any...
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June 26, 2016 Jenny
dog allergy
The previous articles looked at the reasons why antibiotics are used to treat dogs with secondary infections The reason that big pharmaceutical antibiotics are used to treat skin allergies on dogs, is that by the time an owner goes to a vet, an infection is...
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June 6, 2016 Jenny
dog allergy
The previous article looked at why dogs have antibiotics. The main reason is after an operation or if a dog is bitten. Just like humans bacteria can quickly eat at the skin or escapee into organs and cause major health issues. However with dog skin...
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May 30, 2016 Jenny
dog allergy