People often say they don’t let their dog off lead, because it takes too much time, he gets plenty of exercise in his own yard or a myriad of excuses. But DOG PLAY is one of the most important things you can give a dog....
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January 26, 2015 Jenny
DOG crates uses and value The dog crates were invented in response to owners finding a way of house training their puppies, keeping them in one spot, and providing them with a warm soft area. Puppies pine the loss of their mother and their siblings,...
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January 20, 2015 Jenny
Apart from water, healthy dog food and shelter is a dog (and man’s) most important thing. Though it seems that not everyone understands the importance of good shelter to their dog. I recently did some research on the domestic dogs direct ancestor the gray wolf,...
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January 7, 2015 Jenny
Happiness, TOTAL
For humans proper weight is all about looking good and what clothes we can fit into. Humans suffer from such things as comfort food eating, poor metabolism, jobs that are inherently sedentary, lack of time for exercise, and a million other excuses. However, one of...
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November 9, 2014 Jenny
Why not more affection than discipline? While this inherently sounds cruel, affection is inherently a human thing. When a child is naughty or doing something dangerous do you cuddle it and tell it that it is good? If you praise or give a dog too...
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May 7, 2014 Jenny
Exercise, TOTAL
Discipline for a dog means structure and giving it what it needs, it is not affection or punishment, and is more important than both of those things together. This may seem like the opposite of affection, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Discipline...
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May 7, 2014 Jenny
Exercise, TOTAL
Recommended dosage of Omega 3 for my dog One reference site puts the correct dog dosage as: Small dogs and cats should receive 200 mg once daily; medium sized dogs 200 mg twice daily; large breed dogs 200 mg three times daily; and giant breeds...
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May 7, 2014 Jenny
dog allergy, Nutrition, TOTAL
I (Jenny Miller, cross my heart!) use Omega 3 to stop my dogs skin allergies, but it also prevents cancer, arthritis, digestion issues etc. It is truly the cheap miracle drug for dogs! So this is the reason why you should keep reading and take...
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May 7, 2014 Jenny
dog allergy, Nutrition, TOTAL
This post follows on from the previous one about the wolf predator modes, but shows you a table of what all dogs will do to some extent. The researcher Coppingers identified seven step sequence used by the wolf when it is in predator mode:
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May 7, 2014 Jenny
Exercise, TOTAL
Dogs are programmed from evolution to enact part of the wolves 7 predator mode sequence. Find out which part your dog specializes in, and make it very happy! I think if you even consider this a little bit you will realise how obvious it is...
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May 7, 2014 Jenny
Exercise, TOTAL
Dogs, like humans need good beds. A good dog bed is one with support, the right size and good location. There are a few more things to it than you may have thought. It can seem like a very pointless or irrelevant thing, but since...
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May 7, 2014 Jenny
Why does your dog chase balls forever, or like its own company? Perhaps it doesn’t like either of these things, but you need to be the alpha dog and help it. Ball chasing and dogs loving their own company are not social dogs. Reinforcing this...
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May 7, 2014 Jenny
Exercise, TOTAL
As if I Jenny, have to tell you more, but I will. This is a little more of what I know about making your dog happy through walking .. Benefits of social dog walking I can’t state enough the physical, mental and general health benefits...
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May 7, 2014 Jenny
Exercise, TOTAL
This blog post explains why you need to walk your dog every day, off lead. If you don’t, you will get plenty of expensive negative dog behavior issues happening. Take it from Aunty Jenny, apart from real food, your dog exercise is a primary reason...
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May 7, 2014 Jenny
Exercise, TOTAL
This post follows on from the previous post about dog nutrition. If you dont know why you make the diet choices you do for your dog, this may help ..
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May 7, 2014 Jenny
Nutrition, TOTAL
Ok, I get that this might seem a strange first post to make on a site about dog happiness, but I have seen so many lethargic, mal-nutritioned and at the same time obese dogs (and owners) around that I think it is one of the...
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May 7, 2014 Jenny
Nutrition, TOTAL